In [2]:
import numpy as np # Make sure that numpy is imported
from gensim.models import Doc2Vec
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import time
In [4]:
model = Doc2Vec.load("doc2vec_300features_40minwords_10context")
# see Word2Vec (we basically reuse some of the code from that part)
train = pd.read_csv( "labeledTrainData.tsv", header=0,
delimiter="\t", quoting=3 )
test = pd.read_csv( "testData.tsv", header=0, delimiter="\t", quoting=3 )
num_features = 300
def review_to_wordlist( review, remove_stopwords=False ):
# Function to convert a document to a sequence of words,
# optionally removing stop words. Returns a list of words.
# 1. Remove HTML
review_text = BeautifulSoup(review).get_text()
# 2. Remove non-letters
review_text = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]"," ", review_text)
# 3. Convert words to lower case and split them
words = review_text.lower().split()
# 4. Optionally remove stop words (false by default)
if remove_stopwords:
stops = set(stopwords.words("english"))
words = [w for w in words if not w in stops]
# 5. Return a list of words
In [5]:
def makeFeatureVec(words, model, num_features):
# Function to average all of the word vectors in a given
# paragraph
# Pre-initialize an empty numpy array (for speed)
featureVec = np.zeros((num_features,),dtype="float32")
nwords = 0.
# Index2word is a list that contains the names of the words in
# the model's vocabulary. Convert it to a set, for speed
index2word_set = set(model.index2word)
# Loop over each word in the review and, if it is in the model's
# vocaublary, add its feature vector to the total
for word in words:
if word in index2word_set:
nwords = nwords + 1.
featureVec = np.add(featureVec,model[word])
# Divide the result by the number of words to get the average
featureVec = np.divide(featureVec,nwords)
return featureVec
def getAvgFeatureVecs(reviews, model, num_features):
# Given a set of reviews (each one a list of words), calculate
# the average feature vector for each one and return a 2D numpy array
# Initialize a counter
counter = 0.
# Preallocate a 2D numpy array, for speed
reviewFeatureVecs = np.zeros((len(reviews),num_features),dtype="float32")
# Loop through the reviews
for review in reviews:
# Print a status message every 1000th review
if counter%1000. == 0.:
print "Review %d of %d" % (counter, len(reviews))
# Call the function (defined above) that makes average feature vectors
reviewFeatureVecs[counter] = makeFeatureVec(review, model, \
# Increment the counter
counter = counter + 1.
return reviewFeatureVecs
In [6]:
# ****************************************************************
# Calculate average feature vectors for training and testing sets,
# using the functions we defined above. Notice that we now use stop word
# removal.
clean_train_reviews = []
for review in train["review"]:
clean_train_reviews.append( review_to_wordlist( review, \
remove_stopwords=True ))
trainDataVecs = getAvgFeatureVecs( clean_train_reviews, model, num_features )
print "Creating average feature vecs for test reviews"
clean_test_reviews = []
for review in test["review"]:
clean_test_reviews.append( review_to_wordlist( review, \
remove_stopwords=True ))
testDataVecs = getAvgFeatureVecs( clean_test_reviews, model, num_features )
In [7]:
# Fit a random forest to the training data, using 100 trees
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
forest = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators = 100 )
print "Fitting a random forest to labeled training data..."
forest = trainDataVecs, train["sentiment"] )
# Test & extract results
result = forest.predict( testDataVecs )
# Write the test results
output = pd.DataFrame( data={"id":test["id"], "sentiment":result} )
output.to_csv( "Doc2Vec_AverageVectors.csv", index=False, quoting=3 )
In [ ]: